You can contact us via this address:
"Guest house Mali homtel"
Harambašićeva 25
24000 Subotica
tel: +381(0)24-552-977
tel/fax: +381(0)24-553-786
mob: +381(0)63-555-787

For the quality of our work take a look at our images and see for yourself!
design: www.prowebing.com
Welcome to the web site of "Guest house Mali homtel" which offers lodging services.
We wish you a pleasant stay on our site.
About us
The building is in the centre of the town. The rooms are equipped with aircondition, bathroom, mini bar and TV set with cable TV connection and a wireless access to internet.
Each town is at the same time older as well as younger than its inhabitanst - older, perhaps, due to the symbols of gone*by times enwrapped by more
recent events, but most certainly due to its edifices, milestones of permanence - younger due to the ambitions of diversified
population to reach a "unity of diversity" while living in harmony, The synthesis of various disciplines in arhitecture at the
turn of the 19th century, the time of its most intensive building, distinguishes Subotica making it unique and its hospitable people proud
of values that were born and fostered here.